The Momence Chamber of Commerce has been a key organization in the City of Momence since its beginning on February 2, 1938.
The mission of the Chamber is to promote the economic, civic and social welfare of the people of Momence and the surrounding vicinity.
The Momence Chamber of Commerce assist businesses, new and old, by offering business referrals on all inquiries, a business directory on the Chamber website, networking opportunities at chamber meetings and business after hour events. New members are welcomed with a ribbon cutting for the new business. The Chamber board of directors consists of business leaders rich with information covering several areas of business life in Momence, all who are willing to assist in any way they can.
Every year the Chamber hosts several events to promote civic and social growth in the community. An annual golf outing event that people wait to attend each year and is the Chamber fundraiser. Two of the projects supported by the fundraiser are the annual calendar of events and a community brochure produced by the Chamber of Commerce. The brochure is the perfect promotional tool to help new businesses and new residents to learn about their new home. Both the calendar and the brochure serve to entice’ visitors to the area throughout the year.
The Chamber also serves our community in many ways. Each year the Chamber sponsors a marching band as well as the Queen & Princess Coronation in the annual Gladiolus Festival. During local election years, the chamber helps spread awareness of the candidates for local office by hosting a Political meet and greet, where citizens are invited to meet their candidates. Annually, during the Awards banquet, community leaders are recognized with presentation of the Citizen of the Year award, Junior Citizen of the year scholarship, Business Leader of the Year award and the Lifetime achievement award.
For more information on how the Momence Chamber can assist you and your new business, please contact the Momence Chamber of Commerce at 815-472-4620.

2016 Chamber of Commerce Officers and Board of Directors
Front row (L to R) Tony Lampley (Treasurer), Veronica Smith (President), Connie Bramer (Vice President), John Denton (Secretary)
Back row (L to R) Nick Elliott, Mark Carter, Dennis Reddish, Deb Dobben, Neil Trudeau